Phone Log Reconciliation

Knowingly or unknowingly we transmit a lot of information over phones. While we may not realize or even see the need to keep such information, it becomes useful to retrieve phone log information for legal issues. In complex litigation, all information passing between the client and vendor is considered part of intellectual property or trade secrets.

In legal cases phone log information records can be subpoenaed to determine if there was a trade secret violation or any other breach, or intellectual property information that is confidential has been compromised. In such scenarios, a search should be conducted through multiple phone numbers’ log records to produce a comprehensive report of violation or non violation.

Data Triage Technologies (DTT) has pioneered in Phone Log Reconciliation Service that is designed to manage completely a process that can be very time consuming if not automated appropriately. Now, it is possible for you to retrieve information that you may need to call as proof in a case. This service is extremely beneficial for lawyers and legal firms.

Phone logs come in several patterns that include digitally archived as images and spreadsheets as well as in paper format. Each phone company and cell phone provider has its own proprietary format for storing and presenting records. These formats require standardization to generate a comprehensive analysis. DTT executes a process of Optical Character Resolution (OCR) as well as Quality Assurance to ensure the information is correctly entered into a database able to execute the various formats.

Once evidence call records are introduced into a database, DTT performs an exhaustive search for the phone numbers under investigation. DTT then complies a report containing Calling Number, Called Number, Date and Time information, Statement Date and Statement Page.


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