An introduction to Computer Forensics

Computer Forensics is the process of investigating electronic devices or computer media for the purpose of discovering and analyzing available, deleted, or “hidden” information that may serve as useful evidence in supporting both claims and defenses of a legal matter as well as it can helpful when data have been accidentally deleted or lost due to hardware failure.

This is a very old technique but now it has changed a lot because of technological advances & modern tools and software’s. which makes Computer Forensics much easier for Computer Forensic Experts  to find & restore more evidence or data, faster and with more accuracy .

Computer forensics is done Using advanced techniques and technologies, a computer forensic expert uses this techniques to discover evidence from a electronic storage device for a possible crime . The data can be from any kind of electronic device like Pen drives , discs, tapes, handhelds, PDAs, memory stick,  Emails, logs, hidden or deleted files  etc….

Most of us think that a deleting a file or history will remove it completely from the hard disk drive. But in realty it only removes the file from the location, but the actual file will still remain on your computer. It is easier to track what has been done on your computer but difficult to say by whom . Although it’s possible to alter or delete the data completely from your storage device . it depends on ones computer forensic experts skills how well he can find and restore the data without any loss or change.

Computer forensics can be used to uncover a fraud , Unauthorized use of a computer, violation company policies, inadequate record keeping etc… by tracking track emails, chat-history, files, tapes, sites people browse or any other form of electronic communications.

Data security is one of the biggest issues the corporate world is facing now, by publishing company’s internet / policies & consequences for violations, signing of compliance documents by employees businesses can initiate monitoring their own computer systems. Making employees aware that forensic software and personnel are available could prevent workers from wrongdoing.

Computer forensic is an growing niche in the law enforcement field. Unlike many jobs in information technology sector chances are that computer forensics services will not be outsourced to other country, because of the confidentiality of the data business will not allow it to travel just to save a little cash.


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